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German Pictionary: English to German, Pictionary for Kids
Click here to download this eBook Pages 51 German Pictionary : English to German, Pictionary for Kids
Spanish Pictionary: English to Spanish, Pictionary for Kids
Click here to download this eBook Spanish Pictionary : English to Spanish, Pictionary for Kids Pages 51
Japanese Pictionary: English to Japanese, Pictionary for Kids
Click here to download this eBook Pages 51 Japanese Pictionary : English to Japanese, Pictionary for Kids
Italian Pictionary: English to Italian, Pictionary for Kids
Click here to download this eBook Pages 51 Italian Pictionary : English to Italian, Pictionary for Kids
Cold Healing with Homeopathy: Homeopathic Remedies
Click here to download this eBook This book is a collection of Homeopathic Remedies for treating Colds.Virus infections cause inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the nose, & a watery discharge that rapidly becomes thick & yellowish, and sometimes slight & moderate fever; if immunity is low, the infection can spread to the sinuses, ears, […]
Homeopathic Medicine For Hemorrhoids (Piles): Healing with Homeopathy
Click here to download this eBook Our Lifestyles are changed and due to bad eating habits in our routine life, so many diseases appear. There is no punctuality in our eating time, sleeping time, or working time. People avoid doing physical exercise and having mental stress adds the fuel to emerge out various health problems […]
Homeopathic Medicines for HERNIA: Homeo Remedies, Healing with Homeopathy
Click here to download this eBook Homeopathic remedies for Hernia are very effective in treating the condition and that too without any side effects. This book is a collection of Homeopathic Remedies for all types of Hernia for Adults and Kids.
ELDERLY Special Problems & Care: Healing with Homeopathy
Click here to download this eBook The purpose of this book is to provide remedies and help to elderly people. As this is the Homeopathy Book on Elderly Problems, so the book is a collection of all possible homeopathy remedies/medicines and self-help for the problems like Confusion, Depression, Fall & Accidents, Hypothermia, Incontinence Of Urine, […]
Homeopathy – Practical Handbook: The Chest & Upper Respiratory Tract
Click here to download this eBook Healing with Homeopathy (The Chest & Upper Respiratory Tract), HEART & CIRCULATION, CROUP, LUNGS – LISTENING TO, COUGHS, HOME-MADE COUGH TREATMENT, LARYNGITIS & LOSS OF VOICE, ASTHMA & ACUTE ASTHMATIC BREATHING and PLEURISY & PNEUMOTHORAX. This is a practical handbook for treating the Chest & Upper Respiratory Tract with […]
Homeopathy Nutrition Supplements & Other Useful Remedies: Homeopathic Remedies and Dietary Supplements: Meeting Increased Demands For Nutrients
Click here to download this eBook Meeting Increased Demands For Nutrients Via Homeopathy Remedies There are also specific times when nutritional supplements are required to meet increased demands. Supplements are needed during pregnancy while breastfeeding and during & after weight loss. The elderly need them to compensate for poor digestive absorption. Supplements are also needed […]
Homeopathy Children’s Kit: Homeopathic Medicines for Kids: Healing with Homeopathy
Click here to buy this eBook Here are the top homeopathic medicines for kids that all parents should have on hand – in their home first-aid kits, diaper bags, and glove compartments!
Homeopathic Medicines for Period Pain, Premenstrual Syndrome & Irregular Menses: Healing with Homeopathy
Click here to buy this eBook This book is a collection of homeopathic remedies for Period Problems with uses, symptoms, key actions summed up, and required caution.1. Best Homeopathic Remedies For Period Pain2. Homeopathic Treatment of Premenstrual Syndrome3. Homeopathic Medicine for Irregular Periods
Homeopathic Medicines for Asthma: Healing With Homeopathy Remedies
Click here to buy this eBook This book is a collection of homeopathic remedies for Asthma.SYMPTOMS are periodic BREATHLESSNESS, a tight feeling in the CHEST, wheezing, increased pulse rate, ANXIETY & sometimes coughing. In severe cases, growth may be stunted, or sufferers may develop EMPHYSEMA; occasionally an attack proves fatal. A family history of ASTHMA, […]
Homeopathic Medicines for Acute Diarrhea : Healing with Homeopathy
Click here to buy this eBook Acute diarrhea is defined as three or more loose or watery stools per day. Diarrhea can be caused by infections or other factors. Sometimes, the cause of diarrhea is not known. Diarrhea caused by an infection usually begins 12 hours to four days after exposure and resolves within three […]
Homeopathic Medicines for Heart Failure : Healing With Homeopathy Remedies
Click here to buy this eBook Homeopathic remedies are made from plant, mineral, and animal substances. They are diluted in water and shaken until there is little, if any, of the original substance left. Homeopaths believe that the original substance somehow leaves a molecular blueprint in the water that triggers your body’s healing mechanisms. They […]
Homeopathic Medicines for Digestive Problems : Healing With Homeopathy Remedies
Click here to Buy this eBook Homeopaths believe that the original substance somehow leaves a molecular blueprint in the water that triggers your body’s healing mechanisms. They use water to make drops, pills, or creams. This book is a collection of homeopathic remedies for Digestive Problems.
Dealing With COVID-19 (Corona Virus) Through HOMEOPATHY
Buy this eBook instantly COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the “novel coronavirus”. Common symptoms are fever, dry cough, and breathing difficulty. Some patients also have aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. This book contains Homeopathy remedies for the covid patients.
Facebook Powerhouse – How to became successful on Facebook
Description : Introducing Facebook Powerhouse Buy This Book for Rs 98 Only Discover How to Finally Drive Huge Traffic From Facebook and Profit . Inside this eBook , you will discover the topics about the introduction and why you should be using Facebook , what should you be using Facebook for , what type of […]
Make Money Online Positive Action Plan
Mighty ways to cash in on the Net with a proven blueprint. Inside this eBook, you will discover the topics about deciding your niche, selecting a money-making niche, choosing an affiliate program, getting free training, making a site or blog, write -write-write, marketing methods and build your list. Buy This Book